Fitpa-hanke järjesti ihmisen ja suden rinnakkaiseloon uusi ideoita etsivän workshopin 29.-30.8. Porissa. Työpajan tuloksista viestitään myöhemmin. / Our FITPA-project arranged a workshop in Pori, Finland in the end of August 2013, with the following topic:

Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute & the Academy of Finland

Finnish wolf policy is reaching a cul-de-sac. The top down regulation of the wolf issues faces strong and persistent resistance the same time the ex ante and ex post damage compensation schemes and ever more accurate information about the numbers and the origins of wolves are not really helping the people to live with the wolves. Legislative confusion, civil disobedience and anxiety, and administrative frustration characterize the current situation. The workshop is motivated by the practical necessity to create fresh initiatives to develop the wolf-related administrative and managerial practices.

The purpose of the workshop is to explore potential instruments and practices that would motivate and encourage people to live with the wolves. Not only in Finland, but also more generally in Europe and the United States, the wolf governance needs workable “nudges” that would make the co-existence easier. According to Cass Sunstein (2013, Simpler: the future of government, p. 38), “nudges are approaches that influence decisions while preserving the freedom of choice”. Thinking with the nudges offers a way to look beyond regulation, compensation and information and focus on how to design, perhaps only slightly modified choice and action architectures that potentially have large effects on outcomes, i.e. how people come to terms with the presence of the wolf.

In the wolf context, a wolf territory constitutes a social-ecological setting on which people, administrators, and scientists may erect nudges, purposeful actions of design. While nudges influence decisions while preserving the freedom of choice, they subtly break the old habits of feeling, mind and action and help to form new ones. These alterations apply to the people living on the wolf territory, the routines of the wildlife administration, the choices of scientific methods, and, to some extent, to the habits of the wolf as well.

The question is: how to identify the already existing and design the new nudges that are potentially workable in wolf governance? This is what we explore two days in Pori, South-West Finland.


Hans Peter Hansen, SLU Sweden,
Juha Hiedanpää, RKTL,
Antti Härkälä, RKTL
Ilpo Kojola, RKTL,
Sami Kurki, University of Helsinki,
Heta Lähdesmäki, University of Turku,
John Linnell, NINA,
Arto Marjakangas, Finnish Wildlife Agency
Iiro Naukkarinen, University of Turku,
Sanna Ojalammi, RKTL,
Jani Pellikka, RKTL,
Sami Pirkkala, University of Turku
Mari Pohja-Mykrä, University of Helsinki,
Outi Ratamäki, University of Eastern Finland,
Nathalia Soethe, Greifswald University
Jan Tore Solstad, Trondheim Business School,
Adrian Treves, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Lisa Naughton, University of Wisconsin-Madison